How to Persuade a Loved One to Try Hearing Aids

a hearing specialist performing a hearing aid fitting for his elderly patient

Hearing aids can be life-changing for those who have been used to living with hearing loss. However, despite this, it can be challenging for your loved one to make the initial step toward improved hearing on their own. You can help them enhance their quality of life by persuading them to try hearing aids. Read on to find out how you can do it so they can enjoy the benefits. 

Talk To Them 

If you’ve previously had this conversation many times, skip this step, but if you’re addressing the issue for the first or second time, choose the perfect time to talk. Even if they aren’t as obstinate when it comes to acquiring a hearing aid, hearing from a loved one that there is a problem might be unpleasant.

As a result, it must be done at the proper time and with the appropriate amount of pressing on your part. Explain to them how you believe their hearing has deteriorated and how it may be hurting you and your frustrations while attempting to engage with them whenever you are in their presence.

Try to reassure them that you’re there for them and that you don’t want them to lose out on all the noises around them. It might be hard for them to be told this, but it could also help them see what a difference a hearing aid could make. 

Look At Modern Hearing Aids Together 

Hearing aids have come a long way, and it’s good to show those who are stubborn when it comes to getting one for their hearing loss how far they’ve come. A decade or so ago, hearing aids were more limited in what they could do and how much they cost. But now that technology and engineering have reached new levels that go beyond what used to be common, there are so many more choices.

You have hearing aids that are so small that you can’t really see them. You also have the big ones that sit behind the ear. In terms of technology, these hearing aids have even more features, like Bluetooth connectivity, which lets you control them from your phone. Once your loved one sees how amazing modern hearing aids are, they might not be so against having one. 

Go With Them to Their Audiologist Appointment 

Simply put, a lot of individuals detest having to go for medical visits. When it comes to discussing their health, many of them get confused or frightened and they worry that they will either forget something important or not ask a question that is pertinent. You could offer to be there for them to provide emotional support and help in any way that you can and ask them if they are ok with that. They may have a sense of relief as a result of this, and it might ensure they actually make the appointment, which is, of course, the first step. 

Reach Out to Friends Who Wear Hearing Aids 

Reaching out to friends who have hearing aids is another great way to learn how to change the way a loved one thinks about them.

Most people who end up getting hearing aids are happy with them. This shows that modern hearing aids work well and are comfortable to wear. So, having someone who has lost their hearing and found new freedom with hearing aids is a great resource for the person you care about. This person can also tell you how your loved one is feeling right now and give you the tools you need to answer objections.

For instance, you could ask them how hearing aids improved their mental and social health. They might also be able to tell you how they wish their friends had approached them about hearing aids and what they would have done differently.

Know The Facts 

Before you suggest hearing aids to a loved one, make sure you know what they are and how they work. This will help you answer objections and make your case stronger.

Show them that hearing aids have been shown to slow down the loss of brain function. A study from the University of Maryland shows that hearing aids help the brain work better and help people remember things. Before you talk to your loved one about hearing aids, you should be able to see things from their point of view and have facts ready to help dispel any myths. 

For more advice and to book an appointment with an expert audiologist, please don’t hesitate to call Kirsch Audiology at 310-586-5533.